About Us

Meals on Wheels Yuba & Sutter Counties is a program funded and managed by Agency on Aging Area 4 (AAA4).

AAA4 is one of 33 Area Agencies in California designated by the State to develop, coordinate, and fund programs designed to help older adults and people with disabilities maintain their health and independence. We operate as a non-profit, Joint Powers Authority with the counties of Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba.

We fund and monitor programs provided by community-based organizations with funding under the Older Americans Act. We also provide direct services using available grant sources and collaborate with other organizations depending on the need and opportunity.

As a non-profit, we like to offer program participants the opportunity to voluntarily contribute to the services they receive. All contributions are confidential, and no one will be refused service for not contributing. Individuals can contribute on our website, or by mailing a check to our main office 1404 El Camino Avenue, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95815 or our satellite office at 777 Ainsley Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991.


Enriching the lives of older adults and people with disabilities by FOSTERING networks of support, ADVOCATING for individual choice, COLLABORATING with others, ENSURING equity, and STRIVING to do so with conviction.


An ageist- and ableist-free society

With our main office located just ten miles from the state capitol, Agency on Aging \ Area 4 is one of thirty-three area agencies on aging (AAAs) in California. The “4” refers to Planning and Service Area 4 (PSA 4), which includes the seven counties of Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba. No other AAA in the state contains as many counties as Area 4.

How AAA4 is Different

Our Agency on Aging differs from many other AAAs in that it is a stand-alone joint powers authority with non-profit status. Consequently, AAA4 enjoys greater flexibility in operations, attracts a different type of employee and is viewed differently in the community. The agency’s joint powers status ties it directly to the county supervisors, adding strength and credibility and assuring accountability.

Our agency and all 618 Area Agencies on Aging in the country exist today because of the passage of the Older Americans Act (OAA) which was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965. The OAA created a national network to respond to the needs of Americans 60 and older in every local community. By providing a range of options to older adults, they may choose among home and community-based services and living arrangements that suit them best. AAAs make it possible for older adults to “age in place” in their home and communities.

Agency on Aging \ Area 4 was established in 1973; it was one of the six original agencies on aging in California. Ten years later the agency was restructured as a non-profit Joint Powers Authority (JPA).

To learn more about the Older Americans Act, visit the Administration for Community Living website

Governing Board

AAA4 is comprised of members of the Boards of Supervisors or their appointees from our seven-county service region. Our Governing Board sets agency policy and is responsible for ensuring that AAA4 fulfills the mandates of the Older Americans Act.

Governing Board Roster

Upcoming Meetings*

* If you would like to schedule a time to listen to the full audio/video or request materials from a meeting, please contact Cindy Reigert at (916) 486-1876 or creigert@agencyonaging4.org. Audio/video recordings will only be available for one (1) year.

Advisory Council

Our Advisory Council advises the Governing Board on matters relating to the planning, delivery, and monitoring of services for older adults and caregivers. The Council also serves as an independent, non-partisan advocacy body on behalf of all older persons residing in the service area. There are 35 members, 6 from Sacramento County, 4 from Sierra County and 5 from each of the remaining counties. A responsibility of the Advisory Council is the election of The California Senior Legislature (CSL). The CSL is entirely dependent on tax-deductible donations for funding.  Click here to view more information about the Donate to Code 438.

Advisory Council Roster

Interested in being on our Advisory Council?

If you are an advocate for older adult issues, consider becoming a member of our Advisory Council. Please Contact Us.

Upcoming Meetings*

* If you would like to schedule a time to listen to the full audio/video or request materials from a meeting, please contact Cindy Reigert at (916) 486-1876 or creigert@agencyonaging4.org. Audio/video recordings will only be available for one (1) year.